You don't have to live on an expansive farm in rural
Texas or southern Ohio in order to enjoy a country way of life.
Install some beautiful hardwood flooring and pick up a few farmhouse furnishing essentials to create a cozy
country-style theme even if you live in the city or on the coast.
We have 5 tips to help you adopt the rustic charm of country living for your home.
READ MOREOctober 7, 2014
Shanon Sterrett
When it comes to interior design and home decor
you may think you have an open palette on which to decorate.
But in truth, the perfect interior design is created by a series of rules that will create a more interesting, memorable
and intriguing interior. One of these design rules is the Rule of Three.
we’ll explore this age old design rule, how to incorporate it into your home, and look at some well executed concepts.

READ MORESeptember 30, 2014
Shanon Sterrett
There are many reasons your windows might be ready
for an upgrade.
Have they been neglected for a while?
Ready to make some seasonal changes? Did your recently redecorate?
Whatever the reason, understanding these three factors will can help you choose the right window treatments for any room.
READ MORESeptember 24, 2014
Shanon Sterrett
This week we say good-bye to the last few days of
summer and hello to the Autumn season. This can be a very busy time of year as you head into the first few weeks of
school, start to plan for fall festivities and for some, enjoy some outdoor activities before Jack Frost arrives.
But you don’t have to let your busy schedule prevent you from keeping your
home in tip-top shape and making some of those updates you’ve been talking about all summer. We’ve
come up with some Weekend Warrior projects that you CAN DO.
READ MORESeptember 17, 2014
Shanon Sterrett
Just about everyone could use more storage space,
especially when you are trying to achieve a clean, organized home.
And the fall is a great time to get organized as you put away all your summer vacation and beach supplies,
not to mention boxes packed to the top with holiday decorations, toys, books, clothing, sporting equipment and more that may
be overflowing in your home. Fortunately, there are some often overlooked storage opportunities in the garage, garden
and throughout the home—you just need to know where and how to look for them.
Today we'll share 4 home storage solutions to help you maintain a more organized home.

READ MORESeptember 9, 2014
Shanon Sterrett